Manchester City official: appoint Thomas creutken as director of youth training


Live Bar News on August 14 Manchester City officially announced that Thomas crocken was appointed as the director of the new youth training, replacing Jason Wilcox who went to Southampton as the football director.

Thomas kluken is 45 years old and has been the director of youth training in Stuttgart since 2019. In an official interview with Manchester City, kruken said: “This is an opportunity that I cannot refuse. Everyone knows that Manchester City has the best youth training system in the world. I am very excited to come here and get the opportunity to continue to make progress on the basis of previous work. Everything represented by Manchester City youth training conforms to my values. They played an outstanding football style. The next definition of this style is ball control and attack, which looks great.

“But they also attach great importance to cultivating excellent players. The college aims to ensure that young players are not only skilled in football, but also highly educated, respectful and thoughtful. This is exactly the way the college should be established. I can’t wait to start teaching some new ideas and practices.”

Manchester City football director Txiki Begiristain also welcomed the arrival of kluken: “kluken is an outstanding person who has an excellent resume in youth football. He has a vision for the development of our college in the next five to ten years, and his ideas also match our ideas, which is a good starting point.

“In recent years, our college has trained so many top players. Some entered the first team, while others continued to move forward and achieved success elsewhere. We are very, very proud of our achievements. I believe crouken can build on this success and make us better. We will provide him with everything he needs to ensure that our college remains the best. I can’t wait to start working with him.”


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